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Ivy Menchel, CFP®, CBEC®, CDFA® Thumbnail

Ivy Menchel, CFP®, CBEC®, CDFA®

Personal CFOs

Ivy Menchel, CFP®, CBEC®, CDFA®


Ivy H. Menchel is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) and runs a values-based financial planning practice that focuses on the objectives, needs and goals of clients. In addition to her work as a CFP®, she is also a CERTIFIED DIVORCE FINANCIAL ANALYST™ (CDFA®) and CERTIFIED BUSINESS EXIT CONSULTANT (CBEC®) with over 30 years of experience in financial services. 

Ivy’s purpose is to bring confidence and financial independence for individuals and families facing life-changing events. Whether it’s the transfer of a business, divorce, death of a loved one or retirement, each engagement begins with a thorough understanding of the client’s specific situation, commitment to bringing creative strategies to clients for their financial issues and a strong belief in advisor collaboration.

Ivy is widely regarded as a thought leader in her field and regularly shares her knowledge with the broader public through her teaching, speaking and writing. Among other works, she authored the workbook Defining Your Wealth.

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